
We Are 'All in the Same Boat'

We Are 'All in the Same Boat'

Eco-friendly initiatives, from zero-waste living to reducing meat consumption, are no longer concepts relegated to cities, progressive coastal communities, or the tired trope of yesterday’s “hippie.” With growing scientific evidence of the roles we all play in polluting our waterways, affecting climate change, and harming fragile eco systems all over the world, choosing to “live green” and tread more lightly aren’t fringe ideas at all—nor are they new in the north country.

Northern New York’s Opioid Crisis: What is the cost as the epidemic continues to grow?

Northern New York’s Opioid Crisis: What is the cost as the epidemic continues to grow?

The opioid crisis has hit home with a vengeance.

Opioids in 2016 were the cause of 42,249 deaths nationally—five times the amount in 1999. Between 2005 and 2014, opioid-related emergency room visits and inpatient stays skyrocketed by 200 percent across the United States. Around half of these incidents involve drugs prescribed by doctors.

Airbnb Brings Income, Commerce to the North Country

Airbnb Brings Income, Commerce to the North Country

Airbnb has changed the face of tourism since it was launched in 2008. The company has enjoyed a 45 percent increase in US bookings alone year-to-year, and today boasts around 4 million listings in more than 191 countries and 65,000 cities.