Dating ADD: How choice is keeping you single

By Nicole Caldwell for Thrillist

You’re entrenched in the dating pool, regularly visit multiple dating apps, and have lost count of all your first dates. So how come you’re still going stag to friends’ weddings?

The answer may surprise you: you actually, inexplicably, have too many options.

The singles scene is oversaturated by millions of swipeable singles and an endless barrage of happy hours or coffee dates. The options for romantic prospects are overwhelming -- and the cruel irony of choice is that too much of it hamstrings our ability to actually make one.

Oral Fixation: The disgusting science behind locking lips

By Nicole Caldwell for Thrillist

The science of kissing is called Philematology, and it’s just as unsexy as it sounds.

When you swap spit with unsuspecting partners, you’re sharing more than you think. For every 10 seconds spent at first base, you transfer 80,000,000 bacteria from one mouth to another. The cleanest mouths among us harbor between 1,000 and 100,000 bacteria on the surface of each tooth. Those of you not brushing and flossing on the regular are providing sanctuary to anywhere from 100 million to 1 billion bacteria on every single one of your (not-so) pearly whites. Hosting that kind of liveliness in a space kept at a humid 95-ish degrees makes our mouths the “tropical rainforest” of the body.

Start Mulch Gardening in Your Yard

Start Mulch Gardening in Your Yard

Want a healthier garden ... with little effort? Start by returning it to a natural state. Mulch gardening is a soil-layering method that mimics a forest floor. It creates nutrient-dense soil that nourishes plants, controls weeds, and offers long-term results. In this article, I’ll get you started on creating a lush mulch garden of your very own.

How to Make Basic Shadow Puppets in Three Easy Steps

How to Make Basic Shadow Puppets in Three Easy Steps

By Nicole Caldwell for Martha Stewart

Shadow puppetry is a storytelling art form that dates back thousands of years to the Han Dynasty. Flat shapes cut from paper come to life when illuminated, and range from very simple to highly detailed. The puppets themselves are never visible, only the illusions they create. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make your very own shadow puppets with a few simple supplies.

Ubuntu: Human Kindness

Ubuntu: Human Kindness

Originally posted at New Society Publishers blog July 17, 2015.

Today's blog is an excerpt from Chapter Nine, "Community", from Nicole Caldwell's book, Better: The Everyday Art of Sustainable Living . Summer is a great time to feel connected to our communities as we get out and about in the warmer weather.  Consider some of Nicole's suggestions below to keep the good times rolling through the winter days as well. 

10 Tiny Ways to Find Purpose and Happiness in Life

10 Tiny Ways to Find Purpose and Happiness in Life

By Nicole Caldwell of Better Farm

Originally published at Martha Stewart

Think of all the excuses you have for not changing your life. Now wad them up and throw them into the compost pile out back. Research shows that having a sense of purpose improves overall wellness, prevents depression and may even extend life expectancy. Here’s a cheat sheet of 10 easy ways to find your purpose, encourage whimsy, and live cleaner and happier than ever before.